Convenient Online Therapy in Calgary
Effective, High-Quality Psychological Services From the Comfort of Your Home
Online therapy, otherwise known as telehealth, is as effective as in-person therapy, and far more convenient. Using any device, all you need is internet access and privacy. Online therapy is a great solution if you reside somewhere with minimal services or simply need therapy specialization that’s located elsewhere.
Getting the help you need from a qualified, experienced therapist has never been easier. I provide convenient online therapy in Calgary and all of Alberta. Research shows that online therapy, otherwise known as Telehealth or virtual therapy, is equally effective as in-person therapy sessions.
As long as you are in a private environment, the ability to connect with your online therapist in Calgary is still there. No matter what mental health concern you’re dealing with, my online therapy treatment provides practical solutions.
Online therapy is indisputably more convenient than in-person therapy sessions.
Whether you live in a rural area, dealing with recovery after giving birth, your baby’s nap schedule, or don’t want to travel across Alberta, I’ll meet you wherever you are online. All you need is a computer, smartphone, or tablet and an internet connection.
With online therapy, you don’t have to worry about commuting, weather, traffic, parking, or lugging your baby along for the appointment. Save time and maximize your productivity by having your online therapy session during your office lunch hour, while your baby naps, or between meetings.
Your privacy and safety are important to me. I provide online therapy in Calgary using a HIPAA-compliant, encrypted video platform called “Telehealth by Simple Practice.” Similar to Zoom, this platform is available through an app on your phone or by clicking the link to open up a browser on your computer.
Benefits of Online Therapy in Calgary
There are many benefits to choosing online therapy when searching for a therapist in Calgary. This is especially true if you struggle with anxiety, just had a baby, or have a chronic medical condition. Or perhaps you simply want to fit therapy into your busy work and life schedule. My online therapy is:

Access to good healthcare should not depend on where you are.
The Quality Mental Health Services in Calgary You Need Are Only a Click Away
Whatever your struggles are, I’m committed to providing effective therapy tailored to you to get you on the road to feeling better, faster. Simply follow the steps below and you’ll be on your way to feeling more like yourself again.
How My Online Therapy Sessions Works
Contact me to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation.
Conveniently attend your virtual initial intake appointment.
Begin getting back to your flow.